Handling Exception

InstapushPHP can handle exception/error in 2 different ways.

The method setHandleException specify if you want to throw an ApiException or to return ApiError model:

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\Exception\ApiException;
use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;

// initiate Instapush client
// handling is set to true by default so it will throw an `ApiException`
$apiClient = InstapushClient::createForUser('user-token');

// if you want to get `ApiError` instead


ApiException extend from Http\Client\Exception\HttpException so you can access Request and Response objects:

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\Exception\ApiException;
use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;

// initiate Instapush client
$apiClient = InstapushClient::createForUser('user-token');

try {
    /** @var \Fnayou\InstapushPHP\Model\Applications $applications */
    $applications = $apiClient->applications()->list();
} catch (ApiException $apiException) {
    /** @var \Psr\Http\Message\RequestInterface $request */
    $request = $apiException->getRequest();

    /** @var \Psr\Http\Message\ResponseInterface $response */
    $response = $apiException->getResponse();


if handling exception is turned off then you will get and ApiError object:

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;
use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\Model\ApiError;

// initiate Instapush client
$apiClient = InstapushClient::createForUser('user-token');

$applications = $apiClient->applications()->list();

if ($applications instanceof ApiError) {
    /** @var \Fnayou\InstapushPHP\Model\ApiError */
    $apiError = $applications;



Full description of Fnayou\InstapushPHP\Model\ApiError model.