
The installation process of the InstapushPHP.

With Composer

You can use Composer to install the last version of the library.

$ composer require fnayou/instapush-php

Now, all you have to todo is to choose and install the HTTP Client you want to use.


Note that we implement Discovery feature, so if you already use a http client like Guzzle then no more actions are required

Please, take some minutes to check Client Section of the PHP-HTTP documentation.

Use With cURL Client

In order to use cURL Client all you have to do is :

$ composer require fnayou/instapush-php
$ composer require php-http/curl-client

Use With Guzzle 6 Adapter

In order to use Guzzle 6 Adapter all you have to do is :

$ composer require fnayou/instapush-php
$ composer require php-http/guzzle6-adapter