
InstapushPHP is easy and simple to use.

Initiate InstapushPHP Client

First of all if you are already using a http client like curl or guzzle, then let Discovery feature make the magic and all you have to do is to initiate InstapushPHP and start requesting:

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;

// initiate Instapush client
$apiClient = InstapushClient::create('user-token', 'app-id', 'app-secret');

// continue requesting ...

if you want to define http cURL client

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;
use Http\Client\Curl\Client as CurlClient;

$curlOptions = [

// initiate cURL client
$curlClient = new CurlClient(null, null, $curlOptions);

// initiate Instapush client
$client = new InstapushClient($curlClient);
$apiClient = $client::create('user-token', 'app-id', 'app-secret');

// continue requesting ...

if you want to define Guzzle client

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;
use GuzzleHttp\Client as GuzzleClient;
use Http\Adapter\Guzzle6\Client as GuzzleAdapter;

$config = [
    'timeout' => 60.0,
    'allow_redirects' => true,
    'verify' => false,

// initiate guzzle client
$guzzleClient = new GuzzleClient($config);
$guzzleAdapter = new GuzzleAdapter($guzzleClient);

// initiate Instapush client
$client = new InstapushClient($guzzleAdapter);
$apiClient = $client::create('user-token', 'app-id', 'app-secret');

// continue requesting ...


no matter what http client you will use, the request of APIs will be the same.

Type of instance

InstapushPHP provide 3 types of instance :

Instance to use Instapush applications API and it require only UserToken:

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;

// initiate Instapush client for User use
$apiClient = InstapushClient::createForUser('user-token');

Instance to use Instapush events and notifications APIs and it require AppId and AppSecret:

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;

// initiate Instapush client for App use
$apiClient = InstapushClient::createForApp('app-id', 'app-secret');

Instance to use full Instapush APIs but for specific user and specific application:

use Fnayou\InstapushPHP\InstapushClient;

// initiate Instapush client for both user and app use
$apiClient = InstapushClient::create('user-token', 'app-id', 'app-secret');


Please check Instapush REST documentation for more information.